Dr. Aditya K Samal, M.D, F.A.C.C

Dr. Aditya K. Samal is an Invasive Cardiologist

He has sstarted his practice in Cardiology in the Northwest part of Houston in 2002. Before coming to Houston, he earned his fellowship in Cardiology at Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans. Ochsner Clinic is one of the leading hospital in Cardiovascular Diseases (Coronary and Peripheral intervention and Heart Failure) in the country.


He was trained in Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Jersey City Medical Center Program) and later did a research fellowship in Echocardiography at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

Dr. Samal is board certified in Cardiovascular disease, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology and Internal Medicine. He performs Cardiac Catheterization, angiography and pacemaker implantation. Currently, he is the chairman-elect, Department of Cardiology at Methodist Willowbrook Hospital.

Throughout his carrier, he is involved in various research projects in the field of Cardiology.

To his credit, he has many publications in leading journals. Currently, he is one of the primary investigators in many multicenter trials.

Dr. Samal believes in providing preventive and compassionate quality care.

Manuscripts, Abstracts and Book Chapters Publications of Dr. Aditya K. Samal


1. Samal AK, Kuruvanka TS, White CJ, Ramee SR, Collins TJ, Jenkins JS. Clinical outcomes after percutaneous intervention in right ventricular infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003 (abstract).

2. Samal AK, Berman AE, Kuruvanka TS, Pablo F Nasca, Ventura HO, Gilliland YE. Effects of statin therapy in the progression of moderate to severe calcific aortic stenosis. Circulation 2002;

3. Harjai KJ, Samal A, Shah M, Edupuganti R, Nunez E, Pandian NG. The relationship between left ventricular shape and QT interval dispersion. Echocardiography 2002; 19:641-644

4. Samal AK, Plavec M, White CJ, Ramee SR, Collins TJ, Jenkins JS. Thrombolysis of acute lower extremity ischemia: results and complications. In press.

5. Samal AK, Ventura HO, Berman AE, O’kereki C, Yvonne G, Willis G. Myxosarcoma- A rare malignant tumor of the pericardium.J La State Med Soc 2002; 154: 308- 312.

6. Samal AK, White CJ. Percutaneous management of access site complications. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2002; 57:12-23

7. Scott RL, Samal A, Hamdan T, Park MH, Howard R, Uber PA, Mehra MR. Are beta blockes effective in African Americans with systolic heart failure? J Heart Lung Transplant 2001; 20:251

8. Samal AK, White CJ, Kot JB. Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer of the aorta. J Endovasc Ther 2001; 8:534-538.

9. Samal AK, White CJ, Collins TJ, Ramee SR, Jenkins JS. Treatment of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm with percutaneous thrombin injection. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2001; 53:259-263.

10. Voros S, Nanda NC, Samal AK, Gomez CR, Liu MW, Puri VK, Jindal A, Terry JB, Tulyapronchote R, Thakur AC. Transesophageal echocardiography in patients with ischemic stroke accurately detects significant coronary artery stenosis and often changes management. Am Heart J 2001; 142:916-922.

11. Samal AK, Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Narayan VK, Ocak O, Lee TY, Voros S, Jindal A, Winoker TS. Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of Lambl’s excrescences on the aortic valve. Echocardiography 1999;16: 437-441.

12. Voros S, Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Narayan VK, Samal AK. Lambl’s excrescences involving the pulmonary valve detected by transesophageal echocardiography. Echocardiography 1999;16: 1999.

13. Voros S, Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Winokur TS, Samal AK. Lambl’s excrescences (valvular strands). Echocardiography 1999;16: 399-414.

14. Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Thakur D, Narayan VK, Espinal MA, Shoeb G, Samal AK, Voros S, Alluri SR, Ocak O, John AS, Pasia AT, Aikens M. Transesophageal echocardiographic examination of left subclavian artery branches. Echocardiography 1999; 16: 271-277.

15. Nanda NC, Gomez C, Liu M, Terry JB, Tulyapronchote R, Samal AK, Thakur AC, Narayan VK, Lee TY, Ocak O, Jindal A. Transesophageal echocardiographic diagnosis of coronary stenosis in a stroke patient. Echocardiography 1999;16:589-592.

16. Nanda NC, Ansingkar K, Espinal M, Jindal A, Puri V, Aaluri SR, Mukhtar O, Lee TY, Samal AK, Bhambore MM, Pacifico AD. Transesophageal three-dimensional echo assessment of sinus venosus atrial septal defect. Echocardiography 1999;16: 835-837.

17. Samal AK, Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Aggarwal R, Jamil F, Kapur G, Alluri SR, Moursi M, McGiffin DC, Kirklin J. Three-dimensional echocardiographic reconstruction of atrial membranes. Echocardiography 1998;15: 605-610.

18. Samal AK, Nanda NC, Bidderman RW, de Sousa JB, John S, Nanda A, Nanda A, McGiffin D. Traumatic rupture of atherosclerotic plaque producing aortic isthmus dissection. Echocardiography 1998;15: 695-701.

19. Nanda NC, Samal AK, Bakir S, Moursi M, Thakur AC, Aggarwal R, Singh S, Soto B, Cerfolio R, McGiffin DC. Transesophageal echocardiographic diagnosis of right-sided aortic arch. Echocardiography 1998;15: 409-417.

20. Moursi M, Nanda NC, Holmon W, McGiffin D, Samal AK, de Sousa JB. Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography in diagnosing valve leakage of left ventricular assist device. Echocardiography1998;15:703-707.

21. Nanda NC, Bidderman RW, Thakur AC, Becher H, Tiemann K, Samal AK, John AS, Nanda A, Narayan VK. Examination of left external and internal carotid arteries during transesophageal echocardiography. Echocardiography 1998;15: 755-758.

22. Nanda NC, Khatri GK, Samal AK, el-Rahman SMA, Thakur AC, Jamil F, Moursi M, John AS, Alluri SR, de Sousa JA, Aggarwal R, Shoeb G, Espinal MA, Narayan VK. Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of aortic dissection. Echocardiography 1998; 15: 745-754.

23. Lochan R, Syamsunder-Rao P, Samal AK, Khanna AR, Mani GK, Grover DN. Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with adjustable buttoned device in an adult patient. Am Heart J 1994; 121: 941-943.

24. Mishra GC, Bose SL, Samal AK. Malabsorption in thyroid dysfunctions. J Indian Med Assoc 1991; 89:195-197.

25. Mishra GC, Samal AK, Bose SL. Early onset duodenal ulcer with special reference to serum alpha-1-antitrypsin activity. J Assoc Physicians India 1991;39: 182-183.


1. Scott RL, Samal AK, Hamdan T, Park MH, Mehra MR, Howard R. Is beta adrenergic blockade in African Americans and Caucasians equally effective? J Am Coll Cardiol 2001.

2. Arcement LM, Samal AK, Kalapura T, Scott RL, Park MH, Mehra MR. Effect of obesity on cardiac allograft vasculopathy and allograft function following orthotopic heart transplantation. Chest 2001;120: 152S.

3. Arcement LM, Samal AK, Dali S, Scott RL, Park MH, Mehra MR. Does denervation-induced tachycardia influence early and late cardiac allograft function? Chest 2001; 120:152S.

4. Vivekanathan K, Samal AK, Chilakamarri V, Jenkins JS, Collins TJ, White CJ, Ramee SR. Is combined intervention a safe alternative to staged intervention in patients with coronary artery disease and renal artery stenosis? J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35: 69.

5. Voros S, Nanda NC, Thakur AC, Samal AK, Gomez C, Terry JB, Tulyapronchote R. Transesophageal echocardiography performed in stroke patients to exclude cardiac sources of embolism accurately detects significant coronary artery stenosis often resulting in changes of management. Circulation 1999; 100:677.

6. Lochan R, Gupta SK, Rao PS, Khanna AR, Kumar P, Samal AK, Mani GK. Transcatheter closure of congenital cardiac defects (ASD & PDA) by Sideris buttoned double disc device. Indian Heart J 1993; 45:353.

7. Lochan R, Gupta SK, Samal AK, Khanna SK, Mani GK, Sinha SK, Reddy PDS, Grover DN. Immediate hemodynamic alteration following Inoue balloon mitral valvuloplasty. Indian Heart J 1993; 45:395.

8. Lochan R, Kumar P, Rajamani, Samal AK. Radiofrequency (RF) Ablation of selective slow AV nodal pathway: permanent cure for paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia.. Indian Heart J 1993; 45: 347.

9. Lochan R, Das A, Samal AK, Khanna AR, Grover DN. Paradoxical ischemic response to the severity of narrowing in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Indian Heart J 1993;45.

10. Samal AK, Mishra HN, Naik J, Routray SN, Tonpe DB. Study of diastolic filling abnormalities in hypertension: a Doppler echocardiographic evaluation. Indian Heart J 1992; 279.

11. Samal AK, Tonpe DB, Mishra HN, Naik J, Naik CR. Effect of early captopril therapy on LV function after acute myocardial infarction. Indian Heart J 1991;43:202.

12. Mishra TK, Naik J, Mishra HN, Samal AK, Sharma SK, Mohanty IC, Tonpe DB. Role of captopril in severe congestive heart failure: Clinical and echocardiography observation. Indian Heart J 1990; 42:214 .

13. Mishra HN, Samal AK, Naik J, Routray S, Tonpe DB. Incidence of organic tricuspid valve diseases in 1,012 cases of rheumatic heart disease. Indian Heart J 1990; 42:216.

14. Sahoo SC, Samal AK, Mishra HN, Routray S, Basit MA, Satpathy M, Tonpe DB. Short term prognosis of acute myocardial infarction: an echocardiographic evaluation. Indian Heart J 1990;42:214.

15. Mishra GC, Samal AK, Bose SL. Early onset duodenal ulcer with special reference to alpha-1-antitrypsin activity in peptic ulcer. J Assoc Physicians India 1989; 37:15.

16. Samal AK, Mishra GC, Sahoo RN, Pradhan N, Roy BB. Alpha-1-antitrypsin activity in peptic ulcer. J Assoc Physicians India 1989; 37:15.

17. Samal AK, Bogani A, Greenberg A. Endobronchial metastasis of vaginal leiomyoma, unusual presentation: a case report. Seton Hall University ACP Competition, 1995.

Book Chapter

1. Samal AK, White CJ, Collins TJ. Subclavian vein thrombosis. In White CJ, ed. Fifty Cases of Peripheral Vascular Interventions. London: Martin Dunitz, 2002. p 66-67.